Our lab applies nanofabrication and nano-characterization tools on wide range of applications in the fields of mechanical biomedical, and electrical engineering. Some of the applications we focus are isolation of tumor cells in blood circulation, development of novel antibacterial coating technology in nanoscale and analysis of nanowire integrated solar energy converters.
The Advanced Aerospace Materials Simulation (AAMS) Laboratory is established by Dr. Yang to conduct leading edge research on high-fidelity simulation-based engineering of advanced composites and heterogeneous materials. It is mainly used by Dr. Yang and his research group (graduate students and post-doctorate researchers) for numerical program development and high-fidelity simulations of aerospace material responses.
The CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) lab has involved in developing high order numerical algorithms for simulating aerodynamic flow fields, aeroelasticity with fully coupled fluid-structural interaction, turbomachinery multi-stage unsteady aerodynamics and aeromechanics, and active and passive flow controls. An in house CFD code is developed with high performance parallel computing based on the above methodology. In addition to the CFD code development and applications, we have also conducted new concept aircraft designs including Supersonic Bi-Directional Flying Wing and Co-Flow Jet Aircraft. For details, please visit our CFD lab webpage: http://www.miami.edu/acfdlab
Studies conducted in this lab includes: (1) The study of the mechanisms of water transfer in PEM fuel cells by experimentally determining water transfer due to various mechanisms. (2) Modeling the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells and direct methanol fuel cells. (3) Develop multi-dimensional computational fluid dynamics models for various types of fuel cells. (4) Modeling and experimentally study of two-phase flow phenomena in fuel cells. (5) Flow field design optimization for hydrogen PEM fuel cells and direct methanol fuel cells. (6) Novel techniques in measurement of local current densities in PEM fuel cells and DMFCs.
Areas of study include Biosensor, Micro/Nano Fluidics and Nanomedicine.
Deals with alternative fuel but it also allows students to design, fabricate, build and test prototype engines. The unique attribute of this lab is the fabrication of engines which is offered in this lab only at the present time.
Provides facilities for undergraduate and graduate studies and supports materials research in the areas of electrochemical power sources, composite structural materials, and sensors. Facilities for Mechanical Experiments: (1) MTS 858 table top tension/fatigue machine (2) Instron MT2 torsion machine (3) Wilson Rockwell hardness tester (4) Rolling machine; Metallographic Experiments: (1) Thermo Scientific, Sybron, and Lindberg high temperature furnaces (2) Buehler cutting, grounding, polishing machines (3) Olympus microscope/imaging system; Materials Synthesis and processing (1) Chemical fume hood (2) Flow-through Thermo Scientific tube furnace (3) Hot plates (4) Hot press; Electrochemical Studies: (1) Electrochemical analytical systems (2) Electrical power sources
This lab focuses on nano and macroscale reinforcement of polymeric materials, nanocomposites fabrication, mechanical and electrical characterization of composite materials, environmental degradation of composite materials, nanocomposites for biomedical applications.
This is principally an instructional lab in the Thermo-Fluid Sciences for senior students in the Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Programs.
The Tissue Biomechanics Laboratory is devoted to the study of the biomechanical, electrical, and transport behaviors of biological soft tissues (e.g., intervertebral disc).
The wind tunnel lab has a subsonic wind tunnel with the test section of 24″x24″x48″ with the maximum flow speed of 50m/s. The tunnel is equipped with 6-components force and moment balance, LabView data acquisition system, and 3D Particle Velocimetry Image system for flow field visualization and measurement. The wind tunnel facilities are used for the experimental research on co-flow jet flow control airfoil and jet-boat tail passive flow control for base drag reduction.