Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing

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Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory



Center For Advanced Multi-Scale Studies
Our faculty’s research in this area includes the development of mechanics, materials and design to advance the engineering knowledge base, which will lead to new processes and products.

Accordion Group

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  • Biomechanics

    Lab: Tissue Biomechanics Lab
    Director: Prof. Weiyong Gu
    Description:Research is focused on soft tissue mechanics, including constitutive modeling, mechanical and transport properties, bioreactor technology,  metabolic activities and synthesis, computational biomechanics and simulations.
    Group website: For more information, send email to

    Lab: Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Laboratory
    Director: Prof. Francesco Travascio
    Description:Research is focused on the biomechanics of spine and joints to further elucidate etiology of musculoskeletal degenerative diseases, to improve treatment of traumatic injuries and to propose novel approaches to regenerative medicine. The research team works in close collaboration with scientists and clinicians from the Department of Orthopaedics, the University of Miami Sports Medicine Institute, and the Max Biedermann Institute for Biomechanics at Mount Sinai Miami Beach.
    Group website: For more information, send email to

  • Modelling Materials Behaviour

    Director: Prof. Giacomo Po
    Description: 3 sentence description
    Group website: ""

    Lab: Center for Advanced Multiscale Studies (CAMS)
    Director: Prof. Ryan Karkainnen
    Description:Simulation and experiments performed across multiple informative length scales are employed for advanced material system design.  Processing to microstructure to property linkages are used to improve properties of interest such as toughness, strength, or conductivity.
    Group website: ""

    Lab: Advanced Aerospace Materials Simulation (AAMS)
    Director: Prof. Qingda Yang
    Description: The AAMS lab is focused on developing high-fidelity analysis capabilities for virtual designing and testing of advanced aerospace materials such as fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRPCs) and high-temperature resisting ceramic matrix composites (CMCs). We use a combination of experimental techniques and numerical simulations to achieve this goal. In particular, we have developed the Augmented Finite Element Method (A-FEM) to account for the multiscale, discrete damage evolution processes in such materials. The A-FEM are being used by our sponsors (ARL, AFOSR, NASA, Teledyne, and Boeing) as a major investigation tool for their new material and structural research.
    Group website: For more information, please contact Prof. Yang (

    Lab: ""
    Director: Prof. Singiresu Rao
    Description: 3 sentence description
    Group website: ""

  • Manufacturing and Material Properties

    Lab: Engineering Alloys and Advanced Manufacturing Research Laboratory
    Director: Prof. James Coakley
    Description:Research is focused on the relationship of material composition, microstructure, and manufacturing route with overall mechanical properties. We use a combination of experimental techniques and computational simulation to achieve this goal, including the utilization of National Laboratory facilities. For further information, please see the group website.
    Group website:

    Lab: Advanced Nano Systems Laboratory
    Director: Prof. Emrah Celik
    Description: Our research focuses on developing advanced manufacturing technologies including near-net shape manufacturing of nanostructured thermoelectric materials, hybrid additive manufacturing and additive manufacturing of fiber reinforced thermoset composite materials.
    Group website: ""

  • Fuel Cells

    Lab: ""
    Director: Prof. Xiangynag Zhou
    Description: 3 sentence description
    Group website: ""
